This is a good, entertaining, slightly-cheesy, mystery/action movie you can absolutely watch with your kids.I honestly don't understand the low ratings. Note that it is "Indiana Jones LIKE" in nature, but Indiana Jones it is not. It is not meant to be and it is not meant to be taken too seriously.What it is, is:1:Fun 2:Clean 3:Well acted (for the most part. I suspect some characters were meant to be cheesy) 4:well filmed.I enjoyed it. I feel it's completely safe to watch with young children, and that is a rare thing. I recommend you give this movie a chance, ESPECIALLY if you're a parent looking for something you can watch with your kids that YOU can enjoy at the same time...
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
I am surprised at the other reviewers; I think the one point that most reviewers are missing is that it's a children's movie based on a children's book. My ten year old son loved it. It's hard to find clean action-adventure movies that appeal to boys and this one worked well. Sword fights, near death moments, supernatural content, chase scenes all without excessive gore, cleavage, or foul language.Several comments have been made about the poor acting. I didn't see that. Come on folks, Sam Niell is the main bad guy.This movie is available on Netflix. There is a sequel in the making and we'll watch that when it comes out.
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
I remember seeing a trailer for this movie back in '13, but forgot all about it. I do like this movie, apart from the very end. It is now 2018, and I find no hint of there being a sequel. If there was, rather think it would have come out long before now. It is unfortunate, as well as irritating.